Weight Hope Resources

Resources for Positive Body Image, Healthy Eating & Holistic Lifestyle Support

This movement recognizes that the war on obScreen Shot 2016-06-21 at 2.25.10 PMesity has contributed to a general fear of food, preoccupation with weight and size, and disordered eating. Health at Every Size brings the focus back to health and embracing your natural body type.


This commuScreen Shot 2016-06-21 at 2.24.49 PMnity embodies the principles of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works to encourage members and provide support. Membership to this community is completely free and open to anyone who practices or wants to practice intuitive eating.


Overeaters Anonymousovereaters-anonymous has valuable resources for those who have a history of food issues. These include information online, a compulsive overeating survey, online meetings, and local in-person support groups.



Obesity Action Coalition

The Obesity Action Coalition is a national non-profit organization helping people find better health and community support. A great source for evidence based information on obesity and weight



More information on Weight Hope Resources & Links coming soon.