Those that struggle with weight and compulsive eating often are out of touch with their bodies natural cues of hunger and fullness. This happens over time when when food/eating is used to manage feelings and cope with life, rather than as the nourishment for our bodies.
Many health practitioners now recognize the wisdom of holistically tuning into the bodies natural hunger/fullness signs and seeking to follow these. Instead of restrictive eating or dieting, the individual is encouraged to discover their best weight and health by eating when hungry and stopping when full.
This sounds easy enough, after all, we were all born with this innate ability. But many of us need guidance in re-attuning our understanding of our appetite and its indications when we need to eat and when we have had enough. The best source to learn more about intuitive eating is: Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works by Evelyn Tribole M.S. R.D. and Elyse Resch M.S. R.D. F.A.D.A.