Sarah arrived at the New Year feeling bloated, discouraged, depressed and tired of overeating and feeling uncomfortable in her body. She determined that this year would be different and she would finally embrace the life she longed to have and would make the changes needed to accomplish her goal of feeling well, looking her best and maintaining a healthy weight for her body type.
Here is what she did:
Eating Plan
Sarah researched and determined widely held current nutritional guidelines. She also realized she often ate, not out of hunger, but out of boredom, loneliness, stress, etc. and that she needed to curb those behaviors and find healthier outlets for her feelings and needs. She researched intuitive eating and established a plan to eat regular meals while paying close attention to hunger and fullness cues.
Sarah, at age 40, is relatively healthy and determines she wants to develop a realistic exercise plan that she can continue regardless of life’s inevitable ups and downs. She determines that she will walk 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Sarah has observed that a walk early in the morning, before jumping into her busy day as a mother of three and part time realtor, makes the most sense for her. She also commits to 15 minutes of light weight lifting, calisthentics and stretching before each walk.
Sarah begins reading and practicing mindfulness techniques to offset her stress and develop healthier coping skills. She observes that she is much more peaceful and less stressed when she continually focuses on being in the moment and fully present in her life, work and relationships. She knows this is an important component of her overall well being and attainment of healthy weight.
Sarah understands that she needs support to launch and maintain her new healthy lifestyle behaviors. She discusses her goals and plans with family and a few close friends. She asks for their support and encouragement as she ventures forward on these important changes to her health and lifestyle.
Sarah also joins a support group for additional encouragement and commiseration as she ventures into her new lifestyle. She knows that challenges will arise and she wants to create a safe place to vent and find understanding as she continues her journey to her most healthy self.
Sarah commits to weighing herself once a month. She knows that weight loss is the side effect of all the other healthy eating and exercise habits she is implementing. She is focused on feeling well, energetic and healthy and remains open to a healthy weight range, rather than one specific number.